Yesterday at church had me so pumped up at the end of it.
First off, worshipping God with other believers did something to my soul. During the time I thought about people who don't know church and how incredibly weird and scary we are to them but if they only knew who God is and what He did, they'd join in too.
Anywho, the sermon was about the prophet Jonah and first few verses of his book. God said go to Nineveh and preach. Jonah didn't want to go, not of fear or bad timing but b/c he didn't want those people to receive God's mercy. He wanted them to go to hell. Then our pastor confessed he at times is prejudice against other people groups, religions, etc. That He often is a Jonah. God convicted him last week and he really did a number on his heart, getting that junk out. He pointed out on stage that Christians often despise Muslims because of terrorist fears but it's not right and that God loves all religions and peoples. Jesus died for them all. Wow!
After that, we worshipped again and in moving with the Holy Spirit we repented individually for our sin and we then prayed for God to reveal himself to the Hindus down the road. Wowzers!!
Lastly, they interviewed two women who under God's calling have opened an Adoption Fundraising Center, where they interview their applicants, chose one, and raise the funds needed for the adoption. Cool, huh! Our paster then asked if you was adopted, have adopted, or want to in the future to come to the front and receive prayer. Craig wasn't with me but did that stop me? No, I went up by myself. Again, WOW!!!
Man, I'm still SO pumped up!!!!!!!!!
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