My favorite Jordanian dish is mensef. I might even go as far to say it is my favorite dish in all the Arab world and that's saying alot. Mensef is the traditional Jordanian meal. It is served at weddings, parties, and funerals and unlike anything I've ever tasted. The rice is served on a huge platter and the meat placed on top. Along with that, the yogurt, in a big stovetop pan is on the side. With a ladel you pour as much yogurt as you want onto your section of the platter. The real Jordanian eats with his hands but me, with a spoon. One recipe includes yogurt made from stone, white yogurt, rice, onion, saffron, chicken or lamb, and toasted almonds. Basically you all the above except almonds until it's done. The yogurt from stone gives it a earthy, creamy taste but that doesn't even get close to describing it. I guess you will just have to make a trip out here to know for yourself.
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