Our friends, Andy and Rachel, had a desire to adopt in 2004 or earlier. After much prayer and discussion, they started the process to adopt a little boy from South Korea. Unfortunately, I don't know all the details of the beginning process. We enter in the story when a boy has been born and chosen for Andy and Rachel. The process had have a been about a year as we all prayed for this little boy to come home. As they waited, our little YWAM community of 60, prayed, fasted, and gave financial support with so much generosity not to mention emotional support to this family. I was completely in awe of that goodness. I felt is was up to me to take it upon myself to remind everyone to pray for this little boy. As the weeks went on, the news came that is was time to go to New York to get this child because someone was bringing him over. Andy and Rach asked Craig to go, film the meeting, and keep hep their nerves down. Watching the video was one of the most amazing things, I've ever seen. It was short and sweet but God moved in my heart and I knew from then on we were to adopt a child into our family. I believe it is one of the greatest ways to show love and such a beautiful picture of how God has adopted us into His family. It's amazing, also, because I don't worry about the when and how of this process for us. It doesn't matter to me that it could be one of great sacrifice. I'm honored that God has called Craig and I do be apart of it.
It's hard to type out such deep feelings and assurance on a blog. Here is a picture of the family shortly after they got their little guy.