Hey Everyone! We are back in Orlando, FL, back in YWAM!! Whoo! WHoo!! We spent six and half months in Greenville and two weeks in Pagosa. Now we are here until God leads else where. Most of you know that we are hoping He will. Not because we want to leave our friends here but because the calling God has put on our hearts has only gotten stronger and stronger. We are now taking steps to towards that goal! Whooweee! Exciting. Meanwhile, we are working with the School of Missions and plugging into the base. I have seen God fulfill promises. I heard him speak to me and then move on those words and yet I still doubt. Sometimes I think I'm crazy. I'm afraid that He won't speak and we just look silly and lazy. Well, I say that thought is crazy. God does speak, He has, does, and will! Anywho, we are here in Orlando now but I wanted to post some pictures of our time celebrating Christmas in CO. Here you go!!!