Crazy 8! A little modified
For DarDar
8 Things I Look Forward To When Coming Back To The States
1. Visiting the Fam and Friends
2. Paneras
3. Getting to see all of my little nieces and nephews
4. Mexican Food
5. A dryer
6. Greenery
7. Target
8. Driving
8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Played with Guy
2. Chatted with Corrie
3. Taught English Level 1a
4. Bought some students some coffee
5. Ate yummy Enchiladas
6. Listen to Craig mumble in the taxi
7. Watched some of Braveheart
8. Went to bed
8 Things I Wish I Could Do
1. Draw, Paint, Create
2. Play the piano again
3. Play the mandolin
4. Play a sport with some ability
5. Own and fly a private jet
6. Own a small business
7. ADOPT-this will happen
8. Act in a movie or be the voice of a cartoon character
8 Shows I Watch
1. 24
2. 30 Rock
3. the Office
4. Lost
5. the Simpsons